Schools of the Future Conference 2016
For the second year, SEL programming was a key focus of the 2016 Schools of the Future Conference. To a riveted audience of 1,500 teachers and administrators at the 2016 Schools of the Future conference in Honolulu, keynote speaker Dr. Marc Brackett reinforced a central premise: EMOTIONS MATTER. They drive learning, decision making, creativity, relationships, and health. As the director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, and a professor in the Child Study Center, Yale School of Medicine, Dr. Brackett illustrated how hard it is for students to learn and thrive if they don’t have the skills to handle their emotions or feel safe and supported enough to talk about them.
Other presenters included:
- HopeLab providing a summary on tools available to help implement SEL programs
- Laurie Coots from the Hawn Foundation on the MindUP program to teach mindfulness skills to students
- The Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi of the Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values at MIT spoke about re-thinking the role of educators

For more information visit the Schools of the Future Conference website.
See video replays of the SEL presentations here:
Also available, PowerPoint slide and handouts: